GPA Law Firm supports the event INFOSEC'24 – taking place today, June 6, at Culturgest in Lisbon – organised by the Lisbon Business & Government School and Centro de Estudos em Segurança de Informação, Cibersegurança e Privacidade (CESICP), together with Gabinete Nacional de Segurança (GNS) and Centro Nacional de Cibersegurança (CNCS).
This Conference aims to provide an open space for reflection that may represent the diverse sectors of society concerning “Artificial Intelligence, opportunities, risks and impact on information security”, from the perspective of information security, cybersecurity and privacy, including as speakers prominent dignitaries and representatives from the Portuguese Government and Parliament, the European Parliament, National Regulators, Consulting and Leading Law Firms, Specialists and Academics.
João Gabriel, Consultant at GPA Law Firm and member of the Organising Committee of INFOSEC’24, and Manuel Gouveia Pereira, Partner at GPA Law Firm, participate respectively as moderator and member of panel 2 of Theme 1 dedicated to European and National Regulation.
For further information click HERE .