News CMVM regulation on issuers' reporting obligations 19/01/2022

CMVM Regulation 1/2022 (Regulation) was published on 19.01.2022 on the information duties of issuers of securities admitted to trading on a regulated market.

We highlight the following points:

i) The Regulation aims to comply with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2018/815, of 17 December 2018, applicable from 01.01.2022 and articles 245 and 250-A of the Securities Code Securities, in order to define how the obligation to issue annual financial reports must be complied with, with reference to the years beginning on, or after, January 1, 2021, in a Single European Electronic Format (ESEF);

ii) This new Regulation defines the matters that must be communicated to the CMVM and the way in which this communication must be made, without prejudice to compliance with the provisions of CMVM Regulation 3/2016, which contains the general rules for reporting information to the CMVM;

iii) Instruction 1/2010 is revoked – the main change introduced in relation to that Instruction is essentially the forecast and operationalization of the reporting of annual reports and accounts via ESEF;

iv) Entry into force on 20.01.2022.

You can consult the text of the Regulation here.

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