Decree-Law no. 4/2024 was published on 5 January, establishing the Voluntary Carbon Market in Portugal and the respective legal framework.

As the decree points out, "The creation of a voluntary carbon market in Portugal allows for the involvement and participation of various agents, at an individual or organisational level, public or private, either on the supply side, through the promotion of GHG emission reduction or carbon sequestration projects that generate carbon credits, or on the demand side, through the acquisition of these credits for the purpose of offsetting residual GHG emissions or ensuring financial contributions to climate action. This market, as well as facilitating interaction between different players, enhances private sector investment, complementing the public effort to accelerate and promote mitigation actions in Portugal."

To access the News Flash on the subject, prepared by our Environment & Climate and ESG team, led by Manuel Gouveia Pereira, click HERE


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